Sunday, January 10, 2010

Amblyopia or Lazy eye - AXIS EYE CARE

Amblyopia or lazy eye is a common yet largely unrecognised eye problem in children. The importance can be gauged by the fact that this may affect 3 out of every 100 children. It can lead to irreversible diminution of vision if not identified and treated early. What is important is to screen children. Practically it may be difficult, it is a good idea to have at least one check up of the child by the third birthday. The causes of this condition include uncorrected refractive error, difference between the refractive powers in each eye, strabismus and media opacities like cataract or corneal problems. Largely preventable, early detection is the key solution to this problem. Treatment needs to be started at an early age for best results. Beyond the age of 8 or 10 years, the chance of reversing the vision loss is less. Patching therapy, use of blurring drops and now even computerised exercises are successful modes of management.