Monday, December 31, 2012


I would like to wish everyone a very happy new year 2013. Wish you lesser visits to the doctor, lesser surgeries and more happiness and good health. Axis eye clinic had done well in the last year. We have been able to help many and have earned the good wishes and the blessings of all. 

We have been able to perform well academically and have been winning many awards and accolades for our work. We also have many satisfied patients. We have been able to get many referrals from India and abroad. 
Our scope of work includes oculoplasty, squint, childrens eye care, artificial eyes and low vision aids.  We have been able to innovate and make newer instruments and devices...

Overall a good year and we look forward to performing better and helping many more patients in the coming year.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


The year 2012 has been a great year academically and in terms of achievements and awards. We have done well and got recognition in the form of awards for our surgical work and clinical expertise. 

We have seen many complicated clinical patients and have been able to give gratifying results in all cases. God has been kind to us in this regard.

The clinic has grown many fold with a substantial increase in surgeries and outpatient work. 

We are getting referrals from all branches of medicine and many consultants in the city are recognizing us for the work that we perform. 

We hope we can keep up the good work in the coming year...

with the blessings and good wishes of everyone...

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I am glad to let you all know that I received two awards yesterday

Best Video Award in the 5th Annual Conference of the Poona Ophthalmological Society, Pune, 23rd December 2012.
Second Prize in Mrs Shubhada Narayan Kulkarni Quiz competition, 5th Annual Conference of the Poona Ophthalmological Society, Pune, 23rd December 2012. ( this was a squint surgical video)

There is hard work involved but the recognition I receive is reassuring....

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Receiving the Excellence Award from the Strabismological Society of India 

for outstanding contribution to Strabismus ( Squint ) in India was a happy 

occasion. This was on the 1st of December 2012 at the Annual meeting of the 

Strabismological Society of India meeting at Rohtak Haryana.   


I am not seeing more and more complicated patients with strabismus ( squint) and have been able to do justice and giving tremedous relief and even cure many of these patients completely.

Most recently I have improved the field of binocular single vision for a patient with Internuclear ophthalmoplegia and also treated a patient with medial rectus muscle injury with diplopia following endoscopic sinus surgery. It feels good to make the lives of these people better.