Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Implications of Squint

There have been various studies which have studied the social implications of squint. Squint is not only a functional impairment due to loss of binocularity but also a cosmetic blemish. The person with squint is less likely to land a job at an interview, less likely to be promoted as he is considered inept or disabled. However good you are if you have squint, you are less likely to get recognition as compared to your peers. 

It is difficult for the person in front to make eye contact with you and hence interactions are less likely and therefore opportunities get limited.

Squint surgery is very successful and alignment is perfect in most cases. Patients are very happy with the outcomes of surgery and it is always a life changing experience.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Technology - putting it to good use

I wonder how best I can use technology to make my work better and improve the care to my patients. While there is a lot out there in the internet world, many a times this information is misleading and creates more tensions for the patient who reads it.

I have a paperless office, I also send patients pictures and reports by email. There is a lot of information available online also about the work I do. I really want the masses to know more about the potential and newer innovations in ophthalmic surgery especially in the field of ophthalmic plastic surgery that have come up.

Patients can communicate with me via my website and we can answer all their queries immediately. Maybe cloud computing will be the next step and offering access to patients to their records online or to their doctors.

For the moment I think I need a phone upgrade...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The enthusiasm for crackers seems to have lessened. Surprisingly I did not get a single call for a trauma following a cracker burst. I am happy that no major casualities have come so far. Otherwise it is quite unpleasant to see the injuries. 

But then things are much better now, even in cases of major trauma. We have newer methods of surgery, better techniques and more advanced treatment options. Custom made artificial eyes makes a lot of difference in these patients - in their look and appearance. Oculoplasty has become more skilful and successful. Results are better and the recreation can be as natural as before.


Monday, November 12, 2012


I have been doing a lot of surgery especially for cosmetic improvement. It is very challenging and technically quite difficult.. Achieving perfection becomes the goal and every step and action during surgery is well rehearsed in the mind before execution. I cannot deny the role of experience especially when it comes to surgery. Experience makes one wiser and I guess I am able to give good results and satisfy my patients due to the experience I have gained over the last 10 years...

The more you perform surgery the more you reflect on it and then try to make it better next time. Providence or luck and destiny are very important factors which decide many things. Patience and attention to detail are crucial to get good outcomes in surgery..

The challenge is the reward I guess in this field..




I had a patient yesterday who came all the way from Hyderabad to get optic nerve sheath fenestration done. She was a case of chronic papilledema, who had failed all medical management. She had idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

The excitement was huge and the operation went off well. She regained vision though little after the surgery.
The surgery is technically very complicated though it can be performed with experience and attention to detail...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

custom made ocular prosthesis

Fabrication of customized ocular prosthesis:
The technique of fabrication of a custom ocular prosthesis takes 1-2 days. It involves obtaining the impression from the patient’s socket and replication into a wax prototype. The wax prototype is tried in the patient’s eye to obtain an optimal fit and positioning. The patient’s iris is painted with reference to the normal eye; this is then processed in a special non-toxic PMMA polymer. The patient’s eye colour is matched using appropriate colour matching techniques for a true life like appearance. The final prosthesis would be a polished, life-like eye with a comfortable fit which is then dispensed to the patient. This snugly fits in the socket and gives good real time motility and normal appearance to the patient.

In the present age where technology is advancing in leaps and bounds, it is important that one is aware of the newer options for visual rehabilitation. Appearance and self esteem are important for a person in all spheres of life. With newer innovations in artificial eye making, there is hope for many in this world.